Here you can find a variaty of resources to help you out on the API security path.
Talks / Educational Videos / Recorded Webinars
- OWASP API Security Top 10 by Erez Yalon & Inon Shkedy
- Meetups at Checkmarx: An Introduction to API Security
- Meetups at Checkmarx: API Security Concerns (Part II)
- Don’t Worry, Be API: Addressing AppSec’s Newest Challenge
- Common API security pitfalls by Philippe De Ryck
- API (in)Security TOP 10: Guided tour
- Top 10 API Bugs (and Where to Find Them)
- How To Do Recon: API Enumeration
- Hunting for bugs in GraphQL APIs (Demo)
- Finding Your Next Bug: GraphQL
- REST in Peace: Abusing GraphQL to Attack Underlying Infrastructure
- Hidden in Plain Site: Disclosing Information via Your APIs
- Bad API, hAPI Hackers!
- API Security 101
- JWT Parkour
- Finding Your First Bug: Finding Bugs Using APIs
- Live API Hacking Demo
- OAuth, JWT, HMAC, oh my! API security for your enterprise
- API Recon with Kiterunner
- Offensive GraphQL API Exploitation
- Traversing My Way in the Internal Network
- API Hacking With ChatGPT!
- Web Apps: APIs’ Nightmare
- The Secret Life of APIs: Latest Attack Data Shows What Your APIs Are Doing
- I’m an API Hacker and Here’s How I Hack Everything from the Military to AI
- The Arazzo Specification: A Tapestry for API Workflows.
- OWASP API Security Project - Paulo Silva & Erez Yalon
- 2024 Guide: Hacking APIs
Must read
- OWASP API Security Project
- GraphQL Cheat Sheet
- API Security Checklist
- API Security Encyclopedia
- 31 days of API Security Tips
- REST-ler: Automatic Intelligent REST API Fuzzing
- How-To: Find IDOR (Insecure Direct Object Reference) Vulnerabilities for large bounty rewards
- Hacking JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)
- Methods to Bypass Rate Limit
- Regex For Finding Popular Keys
- Leveraging Exposed WADL XML in Burp Suite
- How Unsecure gRPC Implementations Can Compromise APIs
- Pentesting gRPC / Protobuf : Decoding First steps
- OAuth 2.0 authentication vulnerabilities
- Finding Broken Access Controls
- Contextual Content Discovery: You’ve forgotten about the API endpoints
- JWT Security Cheatsheet
- How to exploit GraphQL endpoint: introspection, query, mutations & tools
- OAuth 2.0 Threat Model Pentesting Checklist
- API Security 101: Broken User Authentication
- IDOR Techniques Mindmap
- Security Implications of AWS API Gateway Lambda Authorizers and IAM Wildcard Expansion
- SAML is insecure by design
- How to Hack APIs in 2021
- Exploiting GraphQL
- The complete GraphQL Security Guide: Fixing the 13 most common GraphQL Vulnerabilities to make your API production ready
- Exposed Payment Integration API Keys Imperil Millions of Users’ Transaction Details and PII
- Move Over Verbose Error Messages, GraphQL APIs are Here
- What’s Old Becomes New Again: CSRF Attacks on GraphQL APIs
- Exploiting GraphQL Query Depth
- Alias and Directive Overloading in GraphQL
- Didn’t Notice Your Rate Limiting: GraphQL Batching Attack
- Best Practices When Deploying Webhooks in Production
- The Arazzo Specification
- Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application
- Websheep
- Pixi
- API Security in Action
- vAPI
- vulnerable OAuth 2.0 applications
- Vulnerable JWT lab
- Vulnerable GraphQL API
- KONTRAs OWASP Top 10 for API
- Vulnerable API with Laravel App
- c{api}tal
- ParaBank
- Damn Vulnerable Restaurant
- Vulnerable REST API - OWASP 2023
- Facebook Group Members Disclosure
- How we could have listened to anyone’s call recordings
- How I Might Have Hacked Any Microsoft Account
- How we could have tracked anyone’s live location using Truecaller’s “Guardians” app
- Enumerate internal cached URLs which lead to data exposure
- All That We Let In: Hacking mHealth Apps and APIs
- Tour de Peloton: Exposed user data
- Smart car chargers. Plug-n-play for hackers?
- XSS Vulnerability Patched in SEOPress Affects 100,000 sites
- Two account takeover bugs worth $4300
- Vulnerability in Bumble dating app reveals any user’s exact location
- This is how I was able to see Private, Archived Posts/Stories of users on Instagram without following them
- Free BrewDog beer with a side order of shareholder PII?
- Unauthenticated XSS Vulnerability Patched in HTML Email Template Designer Plugin
- DPD package sniffing
- IDOR vulnerability on invoice and weak password reset leads to account take over
- F5 BIG-IP and iControl REST Vulnerabilities and Exposures
- How Spoutible’s Leaky API Spurted out a Deluge of Personal Data
- Forging signed commits on GitHub
- crAPI walkthrough using AI
- ParaBank walkthrough
- c{api}tal walkthrough
- vAPI walkthrough
- DVGA walkthrough
- VAmPI walkthrough
- Zenly Fixes User Data Exposure and Account Takeover Risks
- Cracking Encrypted Credit Card Numbers Exposed By API
- What is BOLA? 3-digit bounty from Topcoder
- Attacking predictable GUIDs when hacking APIs
- Chained Bugs to Leak Victim’s Uber’s FB Oauth Token
- Slack OAuth2 “redirect_uri” Bypass
- Steal OAuth Tokens
- OAuth redirect_uri bypass using IDN homograph attack resulting in user’s access token leakage
- Stealing Users OAUTH Tokens via redirect_uri
- Stealing Users OAuth Tokens through redirect_uri parameter